Oliver Munnik
Oliver (Oli) Munnik – Mountain Biker
Oli’s love for “keeping it on 2 wheels” can only be described as authentic, given that his first encounter was in 1999, on a soaking wet Cape Town winter day, in Tokai.
Well known for his ‘stoke’, Oli finds this in the comprehensive trail network in the Cape, mostly notably the trails on Table Mountain. However, for a solid training session, the weekly Killarney Crit serves up just the right amount of hurt. Using 500ml CarboFuel on the ride there, with the same during the session, and a serving of Revive when he is home makes the session bearable enough to be classified as fun.
Oli is encouraged by the number of people who have taken up cycling since lockdown, and hopes that they will be riding well into their 80’s – as he expects to.
Advocating Cadence’s credibility as South Africa’s premium nutrition solution during his interactions with riders around the country is what fuels Oli’s undeniable passion for all things riding.
Career Highlights:
- 10 x Absa Cape Epic
You can connect with Oli on:
Instagram: @olimunnik
Twitter: @olivermunnik
Facebook: facebook.com/oliver.munnik
Strava: Oliver Munnik